The Foundation's main purpose is to promote, support and carry out activities aimed at improving the health and quality of life of the community, through the following actions:
a) Recover and promote knowledge of Indigenous Ancestral Medicine.
b) Promote and implement the practice of Bioenergetic Medicine, in its various currents: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Neural Therapy, Magnetotherapy, Ayurvedic Medicine, Flower Essences, among others.
c) Promote and / or develop programs of Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Gerontology, Nutrition as well as the advancement of plans and programs of preventive Medicine and education in health issues;
d) Carry out ecological activities aimed at recovering the harmonious relationship of the human being with the environment and promoting and supporting people, entities and groups with similar purposes.
e) Diffuse relaxation, meditation and stress management techniques/methods.

f) Promote cultural, artistic, recreational and social activities.
g) Execute and / or promote scientific researches related to health and disease issues.

h) Design, develop, edit and spread printed and audiovisual materials of a pedagogical and / or scientific nature.
i) Contribute to the correlation in regards of national and international entities that provide institutional, scientific, investigative, technical and economical support.
j) Create and build a thematic documentation and information center.

k) Promote and encourage permanent training and improvement of the members of the Foundation
l) Promote cultural, scientific, technical and recreational exchange with other Foundations and Societies.
m) Within an environment of tolerance and mutual respect, promote the knowledge of different spiritual and religious traditions, which allow spiritual growth in accordance with the principles of the Foundation.

Illarikk is located in Corregimiento of Villamoreno, Department of Nariño / Colombia.

The Illarikk Foundation is a non-governmental organization (NGO), private, social service and non-profit.
It is governed by the Colombian Constitution and laws, international laws for ONG's and the internal statutes of the Foundation.